The All-Girl Advantage

The benefits of an all-girls school are evident in the fact that girls are always at centre stage. Of necessity they participate, take charge and get involved. Girls have to be independent at an all-girls school. They are critical thinkers, self-starters, able learners and contributing team players.

Your daughters will be entering a world of work where the jobs they will be doing have not yet been invented and solving problems we cannot imagine.

Confident young women are more likely to embrace the skills needed for this unknown world. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of 'Lean In', believes that women fundamentally lack confidence in themselves.

How does an all-girls school develop confidence in young women?
The National Coalition of Girls’ Schools which has this to say:

“In Girls' schools, time in the classroom is spent learning. They teach girls that there is enormous potential and power in being a girl. At a girls’ school, a girl occupies every role: every part in the play and every position on every team and is asked to answer every question. Not only does she have a wealth of avenues for self-exploration and development: she also has a wealth of peer role models.”

At St Dominic’s we work hard at developing self-confidence in our young women: spiritually and morally, academically, on the sports field, in cultural activities and in our leadership programmes.

We adore our learners, but we are also mindful of the road they must travel. We strive to equip your daughters with the skills that will be essential to 21 Century learning.

In nurturing our young women, we encourage a growth mindset – a “you can do this” attitude.

No dream is too big, and no ceiling is too high. This is our wish for your daughters.

Fully Qualified Teachers

All teachers from Pre-School to Senior School have a four-year teaching qualification as a minumum

Small Classes

Maximum of 26 girls per class

Modern Day Classrooms & Technology

State of the Art Computer Centres, Robotics, and Coding from Pre-School to Senior School. All classes have access to WiFi and interactive projectors and boards.

Continuity and Stability

Most of the pupils who enter St Dominic’s in the Pre-School continue through the grades and matriculate here.

The academic value of this continuity and stability is evident in the academic results of these girls as they progress through the system from Pre-School to Senior School.

Inclusive Fee Structure

Our fees are inclusive of educational excursions, outings and visits, retreats, study skills, the annual school yearbook, annual individual photographs, the school diary, counseling, aftercare, homework supervision, remedial and academic support. Text books, stationery, uniforms and overnight tours are excluded from the school fees.

Founded 1923 by Sister Rose Niland
Current Headmaster Roger Loring
Students 1,041
Pre-School Principal Debbie Meyer
Primary School Principal Antoinette Van Zyl
Senior School Principal Sharon Fitzgerald
Aftercare Aftercare and Homework Supervision are included in our fees
EX-STREAM Excellence, Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
Extra Lessons Extra Lessons are included in our fees
Curriculum National Core Syllabus
Matric Examinations IEB (Independent Examination Board)
Future Focused Learning Robotics and Coding form part of our syllabus from Pre-School to Senior School